Spiritual Isolation
Gnosis is found in Silence…
One thing I learned from the LHP philosophy, was the need to seek truth on my own. Instead of following the writings of others as my spiritual path, I turned inward and spent nearly a year in spiritual silence. The silence referred to here is a lack of mental noise. In this space of contemplation, without surface thought, I had a realization.
The depth that I came upon was a feeling of guidance by the Higher Self. Strong and profound it was unlike any other spiritual path before. The presence furthered my growth, giving advice and being an interactive element.
I came to understand that this presence, the Higher Self, was wearing different masks at different times. At times it was the spiritual identity of a particular belief system or mythos. But now, without any expectations, I felt the presence that I thought was God.
All those times I felt the “presence of God,” in each religion, I came to understand were simply points of my life where I connected with the Highest aspect of Self. That’s where I learned a truism for myself: the presence of the Higher (whether the Higher Self or beyond that, into Divinity) is something we carry with us. It may wear a mask of Jesus, Krishna, or other deity, but it is something we bring to the places of worship. When our ego drops out, revealing the Higher aspect, we may call it “god,” but it is a mistake to insist our way of communion is the only way to connect with it… for each of us has a path specific unto ourselves.