The Red String
Kabbalah Center
I was exposed to the philosophy and mysticism of Kabbalah when I first joined the Golden Dawn. Actually, as a teenager I got a taste from D. Craig’s work Modern Magick. Later on, as a Freemason, I got a less magical flavor. In time I sought the Jewish mystical art from a Jewish source: The Kabbalah Center.
I actually enjoyed this group of people, although I met very few of them. From time to time I would visit the Kabbalah Center bookstore in LA, but most of my time was spent in their online discussion / video series.
There are many interesting teachers there – most I forgot their names over the years, but that online video library had so many great teachings on mysticism that even today I highly recommend it. At the time it was a modest fee to access the video library.
After reviewing their site today, I noticed the prices seem higher than I remember for online membership. At the time of this writing the prices are $50/mo with a small discount for an annual subscription. While I enjoyed the material in the video lectures taught by long time leaders, I didn’t enjoy the coaching at all. To each their own. You can always listen to a few videos in the 14-day trial and see if it’s a right fit for you.