While I’m all for protecting the world, my heart has been indifferent to the cares of the Earth. Up to now I had seen it as a transitionary location, a stepping stone. So I wasn’t concerned with how it appears, or the dangers happening to it. I suppose I’m influenced by my conservative Christian parents who viewed the world as a place to conquer and then after death we’d move on to a better, perfect kingdom. Even though I’m not conservative, nor an evangelical Christian, the influence is still there.

Reading Sufi Morning Prayer

While reading the Sufi Morning Prayer, I felt the chant, “May the Message of God spread far and wide” relate to myself. I found my thoughts began to dwell upon my hardness of heart related to environmental causes… how I’m either indifferent or even frustrated with people’s beliefs against science or technological improvement.

As this was upon my mind during this chant in the prayer, I realized that I needed to address it.

Reconsidering the Environmental Group

I’m going to work on my feelings regarding the environment and join or continue listening to the environmental group and their thoughts and feelings. I want my heart to open with the environment. I want to love nature and all it’s resonance with the Divine Source.


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