Looking at my about section, one would realize that I’m on a path of shifting sand. The time has come for a change. Tonight I flipped open a book (The Sufi Book of Life) and found page 106. The Divine Name being Al-Muqit and the message:

Embodying a Steady State, When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel a very steady but powerful state of awareness in your being that maintains and nourishes you and others.

Neil Douglas-Klotz

Steading myself into the heart center, I brought to my mind and heart a circle of guidance. Only one person entered this space, and it was the Higher Self. Soon it was obvious that the path I’ve been treading, which has shifted like sands across a windblown dune, needs to be made steadfast. The True Sustainer is here to provide the motivation and energy required for the task.

I am grateful for what was received.


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